21 Mar Top Cities to Invest in Alabama
There are many bright spots in Alabama: Analysts expect the state’s economy to grow 2.4% this year, adding about 25,000 new jobs in manufacturing, business services, healthcare, and social assistance.
More people moved to Cotton State in 2013 than they left, according to an Atlas Van Lines survey. According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, personal income in the state increased by 1.8% from 2012 to 2013, to a per capita income of $36,501.
For home sellers who need help, many statewide agencies are certified by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development as Approved Housing Counseling Agencies.
Investmentmatome knocked down the numbers to find the best homeownership cities in Alabama with over 10,000 residents. Here are the top cities:
Nine of the top 10 homeownership cities in Alabama are close to Birmingham.
Six of the top 10 cities saw their populations grow by 5% or more, according to US Census Bureau data crunched by Investmentmatome.
In all of the top 10 locations, homeowners spent less than 30% of their median household income on their homes, which is within the affordability standard set by the US government.
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