08 Dec Choose a diesel generator
Autonomous power sources have always been very popular. But such units were widely used relatively recently. At the moment, a wide range of such equipment is presented on sale.
Among the large number of products presented, it is necessary to distinguish diesel generators, which are effective power sources. Typically, such units are used to ensure emergency or additional power supply.
Diesel generators are available in the most diverse performance, have various technical characteristics, therefore, before buying a diesel generator, some technical features of such equipment should be taken into account.
First of all, it must be taken into account that the vast majority of modern models of diesel generators have air cooling. Water -type cooling, as a rule, is provided on high -power diesel generators. This allows you to use them as full -fledged power plants.
In addition, taking into account mobility, diesel electric generators are portable and stationary. Portable type equipment differs in small power, has air cooling, is located on a special frame, and has high noise when working. Typically, this type of generators is used as a source of electric power in emergency situations, as well as to ensure repair and restoration work.
Stationary power plants are more powerful and have a liquid cooling system. They can be used both in industrial production and to ensure uninterrupted power supply of small settlements. This is possible due to the fact that diesel units showed themselves as wear -resistant, durable and reliable equipment.
Dieselgenerators also differ in power. Based on this, low -power equipment (with a maximum capacity of not more than 5 kW), medium -power units (not more than 10 kW) and powerful diesel generators (up to 3 MW) are distinguished. In accordance with its power, the equipment has proportional dimensions and the level of fuel consumption.
It should also be noted that by the number of phases of the generated electricity, diesel units are divided into single -phase and three -phase.
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