23 Mar Finishing materials for creating an exterior and interior
Finishing coatings – an obligatory element of any interior in a country house. Unless suburban houses made of wood are an exception to this rule. Although often they are finished in one way or another – sometimes with a gap, and sometimes with various panels or tiles. Gipro is used both in the city and outside the city. With its help, partitions are easily built or walls are sheathed. Back in the middle of the 20th century, the Swedish company GYPROC (Gipro) began to produce now well -known as “drywall” material. The sheet of the gipper consists of environmentally friendly components – gypsum “core” and cardboard. Drywall is easily drilled, cut and attached to various surfaces or an aluminum frame, it also has high flammable resistance. When moisturizing Gipro is sufficiently flexible, thanks to this, with its help you can create curved architectural forms of any complexity. However, even special brands of drywall are not advised to use in rooms with constant increased humidity. The strength of the gipper to mechanical damage also leaves much to be desired. Therefore, this material is also not suitable for aligning the floors, here pressed panels from gypsum and paper waste paper can serve as a substitute for “drywall”. Wood panels are widely popular in the West frame houses, the construction of which takes a minimum amount of time, can also be decorated using finishing panels. Such panels can also be used when redevelopment of a city apartment. The area of their use is limited only by imagination. They can be used in the kitchen, and in the corridor, and in the lobby, and in the hallway and in living rooms! An interesting option – wood -based panels. The best of them are fiberboard – panels of wood -fiber slab. During their production, wood chips are divided into fibers and after moisture are pressed into plates. Formaldehydes in their production are not applied! Such panels are quite resistant to moisture, therefore they can be used even in wet rooms. So, wooden houses, baths, bathrooms and pools sometimes contain such panels. The next version of the wooden facing panel is MDF stove. In its production, harmful substances are also not used, and its hydraulic resistance is even higher than that of other wooden panels, especially this applies to laminated MDF. Thanks to water resistance and strength, laminated MDFs are sometimes used as a floor covering, including in rooms with a large number of visitors. And the cheapest version of wooden panels is chipboard is a facing material made of wood chips impregnated with formaldehyde resins and other adhesive additives, compressed under high pressure. From time to time they are used in pure form – for insulation, but more often they are used in the laminated version. Panel’s chipboard is quite convenient in operation, but they have the property of crumbling with mechanical damage and require a certain accuracy. They also do not tolerate temperature changes and increased humidity poorly. Formaldehydes will be released in the places of damage, especially in the case of fire. Despite all the advantages of wooden plates, they have several undeniable disadvantages – increased combustibility and fragility, it is in these indicators that they significantly lose to plastic panels. A variety of plastic panels, although plastic and not natural material, but in some cases, its use is very desirable. First of all, in rooms with high humidity, such as a bathroom, a pool or a working area in the kitchen. Such panels are made for decorative or for finishing purposes from solid polyvinyl chloride. They have 100% moisture resistance, durable and easy to care for them. They are decorated by applying them with a special printed method of drawing, which is covered with a protective layer of varnish with antistatic properties. Sometimes such plastic panels are used in economical outdoor country houses, since they are environmentally friendly and quite beautiful. But, before their use, you should think carefully about whether it is worth saving on construction with their help. In general, the choice of finishing panels is very large. The main thing is to use the described materials thought out and reasonably. Indeed, only in this case, your apartments and suburban turnkey houses with the help of decorative and facing materials can apply for the title of architectural masterpiece completely safe for life.
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