18 Feb The use of snowpipe
When winter occurs, it is necessary to use special equipment, the purpose of which is the cleaning of snow masses. This problem is especially acute for large cities and autotrass, special snowpipe have been developed to solve it. When choosing the type of such technique, it should be taken into account its technical characteristics in order to clean the area from snow with a qualitatively and in the shortest possible time.
Snow removal equipment is divided into two types: screws and milling milling machines and milling. They can be self -propelled and trailed. The main feature of the technique intended for snow cleaning is the presence of a rotary bell that sends the collected snow masses directly to the truck body. Modern snowflower of the milling device allows you to clean the dense masses of snow, which are then loaded into dump trucks or discarded to the side of the road. Typically, the equipment is mounted on a car or tractor front -type loader.
There are also small compact snowpliters for home use electric or gasoline, which are used when clearing garden paths and access roads to private households.
The second type of technique is a screw -cable snow -pipe, it is used in cleaning solid coating on large highways and the runways of airfields.
On railways, snowfielders are also widely used. To clean the tracks, three different types of equipment can be used: snowplifier machines, travel strings that work with plow cleaners, rotor cleaners. In the summer period, the strings-smell can be used to clean old cuvetants and cut new ones, cutting and planning the slopes of the recesses and other work.
A working tool of screws is a screw feeder and a lobed rotor. Sques cut a mass of snow, directing it towards the rotor casting snow to the side. Milaponite snowplower has a reelled cutter. On a rotating axis, it is attached by radial racks, while representing a feeder that supplies fragmented snow on a transport (loading) device. The snow massif cuts the milling cutter, which perfectly copes with the frozen snow mass. The snow mass is removed in different ways: a simple dump, similar to a bulldozer, as well as a conveyor or vacuum system into a dump truck body.
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