23 Mar The choice of the contractor
Starting to build your own home or cottage, it is important to be aware of whether you can do them with your own hands. Of course, if time and time allow, then you can take up this responsible business yourself. Otherwise, you will have to contact the contractor company. Before starting the search for a contractor, you should already have a project of future construction in your hands, a clear understanding of what you want to get in the end and what is your budget.
The choice of the contractor is one of the most critical stages in the entire construction process, so do not rush and call on the first announcement. First, clearly formulate what you expect from employees, what goals you set for them, what means do you have. After that, you must hear no less clear answers from the contractor. Consider and write in advance in the contract the terms of work, and better – material compensation for disruption of the deadlines due to the fault of one of the parties. For specialized work, it is still better to involve specialized companies in order to get professional solutions in a short time. Otherwise, a situation may arise in which your contractor concludes a subcontracting agreement, screwing himself a profit. If there is a turnkey global work, then it is worth trusting a large company with good ties. But even from trusted firms, demand to show you documents for SRO to protect yourself.
When all the details are discussed, the time comes to conclude a contract. Do not forget to indicate in the contract a guarantee for work performed. Warranty conditions should be clear and understandable, since otherwise experienced contractors will be able to avoid responsibility for their own mistakes. If the contractor himself purchases materials, then guarantees should apply to them too. Well, the refusal to execute any documents should become for you the reason for any breakdown of relations with this organization.
Be sure to check the potential contractor for the legality of his actions. Only a self -regulatory organization, whose status is confirmed by a certificate, can conduct any construction activities. Since entry into a construction time requires compliance with certain conditions, such a certificate is a guarantee of quality and reliability. It is the self -regulatory organization that receives tolerances to certain types of work, in the presence of appropriate equipment and personnel.
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