04 Sep What are roofing funnels for?
Roof at home – one of the most difficult structures in the operation. The bottom line is that it is on it that the whole mass of negative influence from weather and climatic factors collapses on it. We are talking about precipitation, constantly blowing wind, direct sunlight and other.
Whatever the roof was made of, it is not necessary that after rain or melted wool, water is held on it. After all, even a material that is not subject to corrosion will sooner or later deteriorate. To avoid such a negative scenario, life raids of various types and designs are used.
This is especially true for flat roofs. After all, in these cases, the water will not go away by gravity.
In addition to the fact that the liquid should be taken, it must also be directed by a certain direction. On flat roofs with a tropical shower from the skate, she obviously will not fall. Earlier to solve this problem, limiters and gutters were used. Although they did not fully solve the existing problem. Nowadays, roofing funnels are used in this vein.
This is a special device that resembles a drain in the sink. Only usually it is equipped with a removable grill. This allows you to exclude clogging with branches and leaves. It is especially true when a tree grows directly above the house.
Roofing funnels are installed in the lowest of the roof. This allows you to collect all available liquid without the help of additional devices. That’s why the livery car is more efficient.
It is necessary to carefully evaluate the climatic factors of the region, where it is planned to carry out such manipulations with the design of the roof. If this is the south where rains and snow are rare, then two devices depending on the size of the roof will be enough. The rainy the terrain, the more funnels you need.
In settlements where winter is severe, it is recommended to mount such a product complete with an electric cable directly under the roofing material. It will provide heating in the places of the main water flows. And this is the best guarantee that the liquid on the way to the conclusion will not freeze and will not turn into ice. This is a frequent problem with serious minus temperatures.
In fairness, it is worth saying that not a single storm sewer can do without funnels. Thanks to a simple but thoughtful solution, the last functional. Such a device increases the life of the roof, since timely water drainage is the key to the durable and practical operation of the house.
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